Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Auntie in her office
So, many of you know who David and Susan are. If you don't, that's ok, I'll introduce them soon. For now I'll just tell you that they were the ones whose house I stayed at, and they took care of me while I was over there. Except that for two-thirds of the time that I was over there, they were over here. So during the time that they were over here, Auntie, Susan's mother, took care of me.

Auntie is one of the most incredible people I have ever met. She grew up a Hindu, married a Hindu man, and raised both of her daughters as Hindus. Then God called to her, by name, through a pastor who had never met her before, and she came to the Lord. Her husband and daughters ended up following her.

She and her husband became very involved in ministry, and it is her passion. The Lord gave new life to her, and she can't give any less than all of her life to him. That is her worldview. Her husband died ten years ago, and she continues to press on as hard as she can. She is the principal of the mission's school, and the teachers all say that she is the best Ma'am they have ever worked under. She loves the Lord with her entire heart, soul, mind, and strength.

She calls me her third daughter, and I feel so incredibly privileged. She is truly an incredible woman, and one of my heroes.

(Ma'am is what principals are called in India.)

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